Friday, March 30, 2012

How to go to the Bathroom (March 29)

I have noticed here that in almost every bathroom on the back of the stall door there are instructions and pictures showing you the correct and incorrect ways of how to go to the restroom. The first time I saw one of these I thought it was a joke that the place had going but apparently people do not know how to use the toilets right so they need to remind them or they just want to make sure that when you are drunk and may have forgotten that you not only have instructions on how to pee but also illustrations. There are a few different looking versions of these signs but they all have the same thing. I don't know who wouldn't know how to use the toilet but apparently it has happened enough that you will see these signs in a lot of restroom stalls. Enjoy the photos!

This is the most popular one that is on most stall doors

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