Monday, March 5, 2012

A Day of Getting Organized (March 5)

Today was a beautiful day but I had to stay in and start getting my things together. I first tried to setup the dial up internet so I could have some kind of internet, but that was a complete fail. So then I moved on to my desk and reorganized my drawers, which I just start throwing stuff into because I’ve been so busy. That felt really good to get everything organized and in its proper place. I finished my desk organizing made myself a quick lunch then headed to the shopping centre.
At the shopping centre I got some things I’ve needed to get for a while now. I purchased my third umbrella!! (Hopefully 3rd times a charm, fingers crossed). I got a basket for my stuff (toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, retainer, face wash) in the bathroom under the sink. I got to-go mugs for a great price. I’m really excited about that purchase because now I don’t have to down my tea in the mornings before class. I also got batteries for our clock but accidentally got the wrong ones, whoops. And lastly the purchase I was most excited about, a want to be blender. I got this little ‘blender’ thinking it would work just as good as a blender so I can finally start making my shakes again but I was completely wrong. I got home and tested it out by just trying to blend water and ice, it was a complete fail. Water went flying everywhere, the ice did not get crushed and it was way too small to make a shake in. I thought it was a great idea (and my I say 3 times less expensive then a blender) but didn’t work out the way I planned. My hunt for a blender will continue. Oh ya, I almost forgot about my garlic press! We have a very limited amount of supplies in our kitchen so we have to get very creative a lot of the time. We always had to cut up our garlic super small to substitute the garlic press but I finally caved in and bought one for our kitchen! While I was at the centre I picked up a bag of carrots, cucumber, and mayonnaise (to go with my tuna!) at Woolworths.
All my new things!

I unpacked all my goodies then changed had a quick snack and headed off to the gym. I took the Body Pump class and it was great. I loved the instructor and it was a pretty good workout. I used very lightweights because I didn’t know how intense the class would be so I didn’t get as good of a workout as I could have gotten. But lets just say I definitely will still be sore tomorrow. I loved the class not only because of the workout but also because of the instructor. He was awesome, we would be going along and he would always chime in at the right moment when you wanted to stop and keep you going by kind of yelling or singing along with the song. He was very entertaining while also being encouraging. After the class I ran 2 miles and then stretched.
It was a nice walk home because it was not very humid today because of all the rain we have had. I made a shake and showered then made dinner. I had a delicious salad with beans, rice, carrots, avocado, and mushrooms. Me, Suzy, and Minna talked for a bit then watched Revenge and How I met your Mother then I called it a night. 

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