Sunday, March 25, 2012

Funnel Web Spiders (March 23)

Recently we have been encountering a lot of spiders and bugs. In my apartment it has not been that bad because we keep our place pretty clean, but across the hall is another story.
Encountering the usual cockroach, big moths, or the other bugs here is not that big of a deal but with in a few days of each other our neighbors across the hall have found a very big huntsman spider (we found one in our apartment which I thought was big but compared to this one it was not) as well as a funnel web spider.
Huntsman spiders are know for their speed and mode of hunting. They are also called giant crab spiders because of their size and appearance. They prefer woody places to live in and get very big. These spiders aren't dangerous, just very hard to kill and scary.

The Huntsman in our apartment
The Huntsman across the hall from us
Funnel web spiders on the other hand are a bit more dangerous. Australian funnel-webs are one of the three most dangerous spiders in the world and are regarded by some to be the most dangerous. These spiders are not scared of you and are ready to attack.
The funnel web still alive

Dead funnel web. To the left are his venomous fangs that got chopped off. 
Having such dangerous spiders right across the hall from me is not very comforting but I am just grateful we did not find the Funnel Web spider in our apartment or else I don't think I would have been able to sleep. Hopefully they just stay across the hall till I leave : )

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