Friday, March 30, 2012

Goon and Lemonade (March 30)

I thought I would educate you a little on the drink of choice around here for most college students, especially ones on a budget. At home we have this thing called box wine, franzia, slap the bag, etc. Here they have the same thing but it is a little better and they call it Goon!
You can purchase a 4 Liter box of Goon for only $11 or if you buy it with someone else you can get it for $10. Then you go to Woolworths and buy the homebrand Lemonade 1 liter (which is basically sprite but everyone here calls sprite Lemonade) for 88 cents and you are set for a few nights.
We mix the goon with a little bit of lemonade to give it a better flavor and to change it up. It is actually pretty good and very inexpensive.
Once the box is getting low you can take the bag out of the box and it takes up a lot less room and its easier to squeeze out when you get to the end. So just when you think its empty you easily will have a glass of wine left.
They sell both a red and white wine in this box and there are a few different brands but we mainly buy Golden Oak or Stanley.

These two flavors are the best because they are not too sweet
The 'Sprite'
The black thing sticking out of the box is the very nice pourer they attach to the bag for you so it makes it a lot easier to pour. (They put this on all of the box wines).
I have yet to try the red wine with either brand but they do sell them.

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