Monday, May 14, 2012

New Kitchen Appliances (May 7)

I finally got fed up with not having any lids for our pots and still having a broken dishwasher so on my way to the gym I stopped at the accommodation office and demanded that all of our maintenance requests from the beginning of the year be fixed this week. It has been several months and they are such simple easy requests. The lady basically was like we not only like you to put the requests in online but it is more effective if you just come into the office. If only I knew this from the beginning.
At the end of our conversation and going over all our maintenance requests I was handed to new shiny pots with lids! I also was promised that our toilet would be fixed this week as well as our dishwasher looked at.
After my workout I went to the center to get some groceries and I also splurged and bought some new knives because ours are horrible and they won't give us new ones because we have knives already (we basically had one) and a new spatula! When I got home I also found that Minna had bought a new blender for the place. Today was an exciting day of new appliances for the kitchen. I was so happy : )
All our new toys : ) 

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