Tuesday, June 19, 2012

So Much Rain (June 11)

Lately we have been getting a lot of rain and with looking at this weeks forecast it does not look like it is going to stop anytime soon. I don't mind the rain that much at home or Milwaukee but here it is just straight up annoying. Not only does it just rain but it pours. As a student with no car we have to walk everywhere and if you aren't going to someone else's apartment the closest place is the shopping center which is close to a 10 minute walk. With rain like this even if you bring an umbrella you get wet. The rain falls in all different direction so an umbrella is pretty much useless. Another annoyance with the rain is that in front of our apartment we get a lake. You either have to try and jump to the tree stump but if its too high then your best best is just to go around the back, unless you don't mind if your shoes are soaked. I did not think i would need my rain boots here to walk through my lake and then walk through the part of our front yard which used to be grass but is now mud. The rain also makes it a lot colder so that is not fun. The upside to all this rain is we are in finals now so it makes it a bit easier to study since there really is nothing else you can do.

The 'Lake' I am welcome to when I come and go the past few days

you can barely see the tree stump to the right

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