Today was my first day of part time work at Metcash. It is a perfect place for me to work. They have me doing office work and I basically filed papers for 7 hours. I know they alphabet real well now (not that I didn't know it before but ya sorting papers and then filing for 7 hrs your really get close with the alphabet). It was really cool because I got to know a lot of the names of cities around Australia as well as where they have a lot of their stores. Metcash is a leading marketing and distribution company, operating in the grocery, liquor, and hardware wholesale industries. Richard, the national property manager and Shane, the national asset managers are awesome. They are super friendly and are very willing and open to helping me out. I only work 2 days then leave for 18 days for New Zealand and they are totally fine with that. I just need to email them when I am back in town (a phrase they all don't understand, when I said I was going out of town both of them said 'out of town?' with a puzzled face, I guess you are supposed to say you are going 'away'). The guys that work there are super friendly and welcoming. I also am very lucky to have gotten a job there as well because they are restructuring their company and had to recently let go 500 people. I'm not asking questions but just taking what they will give me. I couldn't have gotten this job with out Maxine Bendall so a big thanks goes out to her.
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